Ragnarr Lothbrok Ltd. respects the privacy of individuals regarding personal data. We are committed to protect and use your personal data in accordance with Taiwan Privacy Principles under the Personal Data Privacy Act and our privacy policies. 

As a data controller, Ragnarr Lothbrok Ltd. protects your personal data in connection with our business activities, like interviews, meetings, and client services, and reduces the impacts of personal data infringement. All our candidates, clients and website users will be protected under the following privacy policies. Your decision to provide any personal data to us is voluntary and once you are willing to provide us your personal data, you hereby agree that we can collect, hold, use, and disclose your personal data in accordance with our privacy policies. 

Please see our Terms of Use for more information about our online terms and policies in general.

Items of personal data that we collect

Personal data consists of any information that is capable of identifying you, or from which you are reasonably identifiable, such as your name, address, email, contact details, educations, your employment history, background information required to apply for a job and references etc.

Timing and purpose of personal data collection

Ragnarr Lothbrok Ltd. collects personal data in the course of its business activities, including interviews and client meetings. We also collect personal data when you register for Ragnarr Lothbrok Ltd. newsletters and job alerts or apply for jobs through our website.

Ragnarr Lothbrok Ltd. will collect, hold, use and disclose your personal data for the following purposes.

  • To provide, or facilitate the delivery of, our products and services to you, we may combine and/or analyze personal data to evaluate and offer content and services most relevant to you, such as industry updates, job information, our latest products and services, market insight and related reports etc.

  • To determine your suitability for a position with our clients or for within Ragnarr Lothbrok Ltd. and, where you have provided your prior consent as a candidate, we will assist to submit your CV generally, to apply for specific jobs or to subscribe to our products and services (including, but not limited to, Job Alerts or customized reports.)

  • To enable the development and marketing of Ragnarr Lothbrok Ltd. products and services, to perform statistical analysis for various objectives and to improve our customer service and to make our services more valuable to you.

  • Where required by law, where Ragnarr Lothbrok Ltd. considers that such use or disclosure is necessary to respond to any claims or legal process, or where Ragnarr Lothbrok Ltd. suspects that fraud or unlawful activity has been, is being or may be engaged in.

  • To trusted third parties where we have retained them to provide products or services that you have requested, such as professional skills tests, psychometric evaluations, consulting service etc. These third parties must comply with similar undertakings of privacy and confidentiality as Ragnarr Lothbrok Ltd.

  • You hereby confirm that you have duly obtained the consent of your referee(s) for the use and disclosure of your referee(s)’ personal data to Ragnarr Lothbrok Ltd. and that Ragnarr Lothbrok Ltd. may use your referee(s)’ personal data in accordance with this privacy policies.

  • We may also seek your consent to collect, hold, use and disclose your personal data for any other purpose or reason not listed above or permitted under the privacy laws or other applicable laws.

Impact of non-provision of personal data

Please note that in the event that sufficient personal data is not supplied or is not satisfactory to Ragnarr Lothbrok Ltd. and its clients then your application or request to Ragnarr Lothbrok Ltd. for any of the above purposes may not be accepted or acted upon and Ragnarr Lothbrok Ltd. will not be able to provide the full range of benefits and/or services it offers.

Storage, retention, and related rights of access to personal data

Ragnarr Lothbrok Ltd. may also retain personal data for longer than the duration of the business relationship should we need to retain it to protect ourselves against legal claims, use it for analysis or historical record-keeping, or comply with our information management policies and schedules.

Where granted by applicable law, you may have the right to request access to the personal data that we have collected about you for the purposes of reviewing, modifying, or requesting deletion of the data. To help protect your privacy and security, we will take reasonable steps to verify your identity, such as requiring a password and user ID, before granting access to your personal data. Different laws may prevent us from providing access to your personal data or otherwise fully complying with your request depending upon the circumstances and the request. Where we are legally permitted to do so, we may refuse your request and give you reasons for doing so. You may also request that Ragnarr Lothbrok Ltd. stops using your data and contacting you, by withdrawing your consent and we will comply with your request. However, if this involves a request for deletion of your file, please be aware that we may not be required or able to do so, particularly where your file also holds data about our clients. We reserve the right to charge an administrative fee for access and updating requests.

Ragnarr Lothbrok Ltd. reserves the right to charge an appropriate fee for complying with your request where allowed by applicable law, and/or deny your requests where they may be manifestly unfounded, and/or excessive, or otherwise objectionable or unwarranted under applicable law.

Security of Personal Data

Ragnarr Lothbrok Ltd. has implemented generally accepted standards of technology and operational security to protect personal data from loss, misuse, alteration, or destruction. Only authorized Ragnarr Lothbrok Ltd.personnel and third-party service providers are provided access to personal data, and these employees and service providers are required to treat this information as confidential. Despite these precautions however, Ragnarr Lothbrok Ltd. cannot guarantee that unauthorized persons will not obtain access to your personal data.

Changes to this privacy policy

Ragnarr Lothbrok Ltd. reserves the right to modify the terms of this privacy policy from time to time. We will alert you to any such changes by updating this privacy policy. We suggest that you visit our website regularly to keep up to date with the material changes that we make to this privacy policy that increase our rights to use personal data that we have previously collected about you.

If you have queries or requests about your privacy rights including your right to object to our processing, you could contact us.

Tel: +886-2-77449211

Email: taiwan@ragnarrlothbrok.com